St Thereses Catholic Primary School – Essendon, Victoria.
Classroom Soundfield with EZ Room and School Wide IP paging using Front Row Conductor
Vice Principal Daniel Parry approached us to assist with enhancing their PA system and designing a classroom audio and hearing augmentation solution.
“We have been working with the team at Word of Mouth for a number of years to assist us with the strategic planning and implementation of a number of audio related projects. From the humble beginnings of a single Juno unit to assist a student with auditory difficulties, to the roll out of EZ Room soundfield systems in 20+ classrooms, we have valued the partnership between our school, FrontRow and WoM.
The FrontRow suite allows us to reach every child within the classroom environment, setting them up for success right from the beginning. Improved teacher voice clarity and volume, increased student engagement via the student mics, ability to connect the in-ceiling speakers to our LCD smart panels, and streamlined site-wide PA capabilities are just some of the many reasons we have committed to FrontRow.
Andrew and the team at WoM have guided us through the rollout from start to finish with professionalism and a sound technical knowledge. We look forward to further strengthening our partnership as we continually look for ways we can improve not only our processes as a school, but the learning outcomes for all of our students.”
PA System update to IP using Front Row Conductor – With upcoming building works and a plan to renovate all of their learning spaces the schools first challenge was getting Bells and PA to the school multipurpose room and associated outside areas. As there was no cabling to these spaces we used Front Row Conductor. Using the schools existing network we were able to connect these areas to the PA system within 48 hours. This was critical to ensure students and teachers using these spaces were able to hear important calls, bells and alarms.
We deployed the Front Row Conductor Virtual Server on the schools hardware. This saves time and money and allows key personal to access the system across their existing platforms.
Classroom Audio and Hearing Augmentation – Stage two of the project was to install the Front Row Ez Room system in learning spaces as part of the renovation. The school opted to use our Front Row EZ Room system as it allowed them to meet all of the schools communication needs in one system. One set of speakers in each learning space manages their AV Amplification, School Bells and Paging and Hearing Augmentation (as a performance solution using portable transmitters/receivers).
Future Works – As the conductor system is operational at the school we are able to easily bring new spaces online with a connection ofver the schools nework

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