Do I Require Induction Loops?

You don’t have to have an induction loop. It is just a type of hearing augmentation. You can choose from induction loops, FM systems or infrared systems. You might choose to install an induction loop for a set and forget the solution. It is particularly suitable for venues that do not wish to nor have the capacity to hand out receivers.

Who Could Benefit from a Classroom Soundfield System?

Everyone will!  Teachers and Students alike. When we hear more we learn more. Soundfield systems are proven to enhance learning opportunities for every student. In particular, those who have learning difficulties (ADHD, CAPD, ASD) or ESL students. We have installed them in thousands of classrooms and it is always a positive outcome.

Why Use Roger Soundfiled?

This system is developed to use in a variety of settings. We find the best results when you have students who are also using Roger receivers.  The Roger Soundfield system is a product that will enhance the listening environment for everyone and offer direct connectivity to people with hearing aids using the Roger platform.  If a person does not have roger receivers they can be provided with a roger neck loop. This transmits the signal via the Telecoil program on the user’s hearing aid.  Use Roger Soundfield if you want to make listening easier for everyone and have a system that is portable and flexible.

How Do I Set Up My Hearing Augmentation?

This will depend on the type of system.  If you need technical support you should contact our team via phone 1800 966 266 or email at info@wom.com.au.  There are some manuals for different systems found under each product at www.womcom.com.au

How Can I Get an Assistive Listening Device?

You can visit our e-commerce site www.wom.com.au here you can see a wide range of assistive listening devices (ALD’s) for personal use.  An ALD can be used to help you listen to the speech, one on one or in groups. It may also be used to listen to the TV or radio at home. They are used in conjunction with hearing aids (usually using a neck loop via the hearing aids telecoil) or without hearing aids using headphones or earphones.   Even if you have hearing aids many people also use an ALD as they may find they perform better than hearing aids in certain situations.

How Do I Get My Hearing Aid Repaired?

We don’t offer repair services for hearing aids. You should contact your hearing aid provider in the first instance. We might suggest you also see them if you need to ask about access to the telcoil or T switch on your hearing aid.

Why Do We Need to Plan for Hearing Augmentation at Venues?

Legislation: You likely are aware that legislation in Australia requires venues to be compliant with the Building Codes of Australia and the Disability Discrimination Act.

Listeners Experience: By ensuring your venue has good hearing augmentation solutions you are helping a significant percent of your listeners have a much better hearing experience.

Our team has over 30 years of experience designing and supplying hearing augmentation solutions. Call us now.